I Love Blythe
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Selling blythe dolls and sundries!!!

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Takes effect January 30th 9AM EST

- NO FIGHTING - Fighting and/or personal attacks on this forum is not allowed. Drama is NOT allowed on this forum under any circumstances. We will remove any posts breaking this rule, without notice.

- NO CALLING OUT - No discussing specific people: Forum members, Flickr users, ebay/etsy sellers or squabbles on other forums. We will remove any posts breaking this rule, without notice.

- AVOID DRAMA - If someone starts a thread that you don't like or if it's just someone who annoys you in general, try to avoid it. You can also use the Friend or Foe feature.

- DOLLY DEBATES - Debates and sensitive hobby subjects (ie: copying, issues with a member) will be monitored. We will remove any posts we rule unnecessary, first then PM later.

- NO SCREENSHOTS - Do not use screen shots of this forum to hurt another member here.

- SENSITIVE TOPICS - Religion or Political topics are not allowed on this forum. Topics with religion or politics will be removed without notice.

- BEHAVIOR - This forum is for mature individuals. Anyone found to be a nuisance will be removed/banned from the forum at the discretion of the administrators. You will, however, be contacted first and given a choice to either follow the rules or to no longer be a community member.

- NO PORNOGRAPHY - Do not post any adult content, mature photos, mature signatures or mature avatars. We will remove any posts, avatars and/or signatures if we see any inappropriate images, without notice.

- NO SPAMMING - Spamming, phishing and/or hacking is not allowed on this forum.

- NO SHARING ILB ACCOUNTS - Any members caught sharing ILB username accounts will be banned.

- CONTACT ILB STAFF - If you have any concerns, questions, or problems PM the administrators or moderators.

- NEGATIVE/BAD TRANSACTIONS - Discussion regarding bad transactions are not allowed in any of the forum sections other than the Feedback section. Leave any negative feedback remarks and discussion on Bad Dolly Deals or in the feedback section.


These are NOT rules but we would hope that some of you will have the courtesy to follow.

1. Please do not type in caps, or at least try to minimize the use of it. Some people consider caps as "yelling".
2. Please do not curse or use foul language.
3. Please do not type in internet speak. We are all adults and should write to each other normally - nOt LYk Dis. Unless it's your dollies typing, then its fine.
4. Please do not use special font colors, or if you do, use browser friendly colors. It may be hard to read PINK or RED text on a BLUE background.
5. Please do not over use emoticons. This will slow down the forum if you use more than 5 at once.Using more than 6 will cause lagging.
7. Please do not use large signature images.
8. Please do not use large avatar images. Dimensions should not exceed 150px × 220px.
9. Please try to minimize the subject title. A paragraph is not necessary for a subject title.
10. Please do not keep things in your subject title in your SUNDRIES post if it has been sold. If you have sold the item and keep it there, you will have disappointed potential buyers who will most likely avoid you just for that. It is false advertising.
11. Please try to remember most sellers/buyers are on different time zones. Sending multiple PMs at once may not reach them. Private Messages are only limited to 50, and that is something BK cannot change. Please note if your PM is still in the "OUTBOX" the recipient has not read your PM yet. If it is in your "SENTBOX", the recipient has read the PM.
12. Please be courteous by replying to a PM at your earliest convenience. Most transactions are done via PMs, if you receive a PM regarding an item and have not replied, most sellers/buyers will avoid you for ignoring them.
13. If you are planning to list items on ILB and have posted images on Flickr stating "No FM's, ILB ONLY", it is best to start taking offers or selling your items after it has been listed on I Love Blythe.
14. Please keep in mind - There are many people on ILB at any given point in time as we are an international community, and some items sell out within seconds of being posted.
15. Please state in your sales post title, if you are only shipping to your country.


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